We'll Build You A Cash-Flowing Amazon Store in 90 Days For Nothing Out of Pocket!

(You're Protected By Our "Buy-Back" Satisfaction Guarantee!)

The 3 Step System That's Generated Our Partners Over $1 Billion in Amazon Sales

Step 1: Only Sell Products That Sell By Themselves

  • We only give winning products that are already selling extremely well on Amazon to our partners.

  • Our philosophy is to not even buy inventory for a product that isn't going to predictably sell out in 30 days for you.

Step 2: Know How Much Money You're Going To Make

  • For every inventory order we make, we know we're going to make around 1.75X that in revenue.

  • A$5k inventory order will make around $8750. We sell this inventory out in 30-45 days.

Step 3: Reinvest Profits to Make Larger Orders

  • We encourage our partners to be patient and reinvest, so they create a system that scales. -

  • If a $5k inventory order generated $8750, then a $20,000 inventory order will generate around $35,000.

How Does It Work and How Long Does It Take To Start Making Money?

First 2-3 Months

  • Pay your startup fee + register your LLC and tax exemption

  • Order inventory and send it to Amazon FBA

  • Build your amazon store from top to bottom

  • Launch your store + see sales start coming in

Month 3-6

  • Store starts optimizing and selling inventory predictably

  • Amazon algorithm begins to trust your business and allow for scale

  • Reinvest funds from the store to make larger inventory orders.

Month 6+

  • Focus on growth by taking store funds and making even larger inventory orders

  • Pay off any debt using store funds

  • Start Paying Yourself

  • Quit your job. Start living the life you always wanted.

The Owner Duffy Young's Personal Guarantee That Is The Best and The Boldest in the Industry

"For all new partners I work with, I guarantee your satisfaction. If you're unhappy then I'm unhappy and I want to buy your store back from you and either keep it or sell it to someone else. The honest truth is that your store will be worth a lot more than what you paid for it once it's running and profitable, so practically no one takes me up on the guarantee. That being said, having it in writing just makes my partners feel safe proceeding with us."

What Clients Are Saying About Duffy's Team...

"When I began working with Profitable Automation what amazed me the most was how they were able to pick winning products that required no marketing in order to sell. My store generated over $3200 in sales in its first month with sales happening every day. I recommend this to my friends and I even got my parents and my son to sign up too."

Jared T.

"Duffy's team helped my store hit $149,000 in the last 30 days. It only took them a year to start hitting this numbers every month. I'm just so grateful I did this."

Michael B.

"Duffy's team built me a 400K/year business and I have now retired from my 9-5 job"

Goerge K.

"My store has started hitting $100,000+ months. We've done $400k in the last 6 months and $800k in the last year. If you can qualify to do this, you just have to!"

Jane L.

"My store did over $200,000 in revenue in its first year! Now we're off to the races to grow something so much bigger this next year."

Carlos R.

"Duffy's team has helped me break $77k in revenue in the last month of sales. I couldn't imagine it was going to work this well. I'm so grateful."

Nina P.

"My Amazon store with Profitable Automation is now hitting over $90,000 in sales a month. I'm growing every month and don't plan on slowing down!"

Oscar G.

"Great customer support and they have definitely perfected the system. First 4 months were a little slow but by store now does 60K per month in sales and I spend less then 5 hours a month on the business"

Aisha T.

"Embarking on the Amazon wholesale journey with Duffy and Profitable Automation was initially challenging, but undeniably worth it. I was skeptical at first but glad I took the leap of faith"

Ethan W.

"If you're considering Amazon wholesale, Profitable Automation is the way to go. It took a few years for us to do it, but my store broke $3,000,000 in sales in the last 12 months."

Samuel D.

"Waking up to sales already taking place on my store every day is such a thrill. Knowing my FBA store is growing in value is the cherry on top. Great brands are being listed on my store as well, thanks to Duffy and Profitable Automation"

Robert T.

Some of Our Amazon Client Results:

Profitable Automation, LLC

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