This is a great question that we actually get all the time.
The honest truth is that we grow a lot faster by having folks like yourself fund the build and the inventory for us and then let you take 70% of the profit.
Our whole team has stores. Our parents have stores. Our children have stores. Our friends have stores. We love sharing this with new friends, their families, and everyone we can.
Pricing depends on if you finance or pay with cash.
We have our own internal funding team. What this means is if you qualify, we can get you all the funding you need to pay for every aspect of your new business.
To qualify, you need at least a credit score of 700 and no bankruptcies. If you didn't want to use our funding option, there is a large cash discount available.
To learn more, click the link below.
In the first few months, we will need 4+ hours a month from you to get your store set up.
This will include getting information from you for your LLC, wholesale license, distribution center, amazon seller central account, etc.
Once we get everything built out for you and your store is ready to launch, we’ll need about 2+ hours a month (at most) of your time.
You may apply with our team to acquire funding for your new business.
The application includes a variety of questions about your financial situation so that we can apply for funding on your behalf.
If you qualify after working with our internal funding team, the funding can be used to fund all the expenses of your new business.
Here’s a general timeline of the first 60-120 days of the initial store buildout:
• #1-30 days:
- Get your LLC
- Get your wholesale license
- Create your business bank account
• #30-60 days:
- Create websites for your distribution center and get approved with suppliers
• #60-90 days:
- Create your Amazon seller central account
- Choose products for launch
- Order and ship products to Amazon
• #90-120:
- Wait for inventory to arrive at Amazon
- LAUNCH and start generating sales.
To qualify, you’d need a credit score of 700.
HOWEVER, if you’re close, we do offer free credit repair that can help boost your score enough to get qualified. Book an appointment with our team and we can go over all of the details with you and all of your options.
Your store will launch in 90-120 days. You may start generating sales and profit as soon as your store launches. The more inventory you have in Amazon, the more profit you'll start to consistently generate. Consistently ordering more products is important!
Due to the startup costs for your business, you may start generating profit immediately, but you won't be profitable overall until you've made more than your startup costs. This may take 18+ months. After 18 months, is when we usually see stores completely out of debt and making thousands a month in profit.
We take name brand products and buy them wholesale from an exclusive catalog that only we have. These products sell out on their own on Amazon and that’s the key to your store’s success.
We never sell products that we aren’t 100% sure will sell out quickly on Amazon.
We accept down payments in order to get your business going sooner. We'll get your LLC, business bank account, wholesale license, and even your Amazon seller central account finalized all before you need to pay in full because we can get this done in around 30 days.
However, we cannot finalize your wholesale account and order products to be sent into Amazon without being paid in full.
It’s definitely possible. If you opt to get funding with our team, your business line of credit will be due in 12-21 months. If they’re not completely paid off by that time, you'll owe interest.
However, your business will likely be generating profit, so the profit from the store can easily pay for the interest due. We generally see stores out of debt and making thousands a month in profit after 18 months.
Yes we do!
Find the answer in this blog post:
How Profit Sharing Works With Profitable Automation: A Fresh Approach
Find the answer in this blog post:
That's fantastic. Ask our team about a discount for you already having an LLC! To learn more, book an appointment with our team:
You can absolutely pay for your store and all start-up fees with cash. We even offer a discount for partners who prefer to fund their store this way. Book an appointment with our team and we can go over all of the details with you and all of your options.
Find the answer in this blog post:
No, we do not, it simply isn’t necessary and will kill your margins. We only pick winning products that are easy to sell.
As soon as your Seller Central account is set up and your distribution center is approved as a wholesaler, we can make your first purchase order.
You have to either be a US citizen with a US SSN or have a green card and SSN to get your LLC and qualify for funding.
That's right. We sell popular products like Barbie or Ninja and sell it like a Walgreens or Walmart would. We buy them wholesale and then sell them retail on your own Amazon store.
• Amazon stops allowing resellers - over half of their platform is resellers, so that’s not likely.
• Your inventory burns up on its way to the warehouse - Amazon insures all inbound shipments.
• Inventory doesn’t move - it might be slow at first, but we are only betting on winning horses.
• We take your money and bounce, but don’t worry, we would never do that. It’s not worth our reputation.
• The listing gets shut down - VERY RARE you have to really hurt people with your product.
Mathematics and 10+ years of experience are what we use to choose your store's products. We only choose products that we ourselves would buy with our own money.
This is the most precious system we have at Profitable Automation. We only choose products that we feel confident will sell quickly on Amazon.